
Sarah A. M. Loos

about me

I am a postdoctoral fellow with Marie-Skłodowska-Curie scholarship working at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK in the group of Mike Cates. I am also a Research Fellow of the Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Before coming to Cambridge, I was at ICTP in Trieste in the group of Édgar Roldán, and at Leipzig University in the group of Klaus Kroy. In March 2020, I defended my doctoral thesis under the supervision of Sabine Klapp at TU Berlin. I am interested in how the concepts of statistical physics can be generalized towards non-equilibrium systems. Some keywords:

  • Stochastic thermodynamics

  • Non-Markovian, nonequilibrium processes

  • Control and Information theory

  • Nonreciprocal systems

  • Nonlinear dynamics

  • Nonequilibrium phase transitions

Full CV (July 2024)

final theses

Doctoral Thesis   |   Stochastic systems with time delay - probabilistic and thermodynamic descriptions of non-Markovian processes far from equilibrium
at TU Berlin, March 2020, Reviewers: Sabine Klapp and Klaus Kroy
Grade: summa cum laude ("with highest honors")
Master Thesis   |   Noise effects on chimera states in the Stuart-Landau model
Prof. Dr. Eckehard Schöll, at TU Berlin, March 2015
Bachelor Thesis   |   Dynamik von Kolloiden in periodischen, zeitabhängigen Potentialen
Prof. Dr. Sabine Klapp, at TU Berlin, September 2012


If I don't do physics, I also like being in the nature, climbing, arts, literature.


GoogleScholar   h-index: 13


Journal articles

  • S. A.M. Loos, S. Monter, F. Ginot, C. Bechinger
    Universal symmetry of optimal control at the microscale

    Physical Review X 14, 021032 (2024) APS PRX

  • D. Venturelli*, S. A.M. Loos*, B. Walter*, É. Roldán, A. Gambassi
    Stochastic Thermodynamics of a Probe in a Fluctuating Correlated Field

    EPL 146, 27001 (2024) IOP Europhysics Letters

  • A. Seif, S. A.M. Loos, G. Tucci, É. Roldán, S. Goldt
    The impact of memory on learning sequence-to-sequence tasks

    Machine Learning- Science and Technology 5, 015053 (2024) IOP

  • S. A.M. Loos
    Smooth Control of Active Matter

    Physics 17, 20 (2023) Physics.aps.org/

  • T. Suchanek, K. Kroy, S. A.M. Loos
    Irreversible mesoscale fluctuations herald the emergence of dynamical phases

    Physical Review Letters 131, 258302 (2023), Open access APS

  • T. Suchanek, K. Kroy, S. A.M. Loos
    Entropy production in the nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model

    Physical Review E 108, 064610 (2023), Open Access APS

  • T. Suchanek, K. Kroy, S. A.M. Loos
    Time-reversal and PT symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian field theories

    Physical Review E 108, 064123 (2023), Open Access APS

  • S. A.M. Loos
    Measurement of scale-dependent time-reversal asymmetry in biological systems

    Nature Nanotechnology (2023) Nature

  • J. Sawicki*, R. Berner*, S. A.M. Loos*, et. al.
    Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems

    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) AIP Publishing

  • S. A.M. Loos, S. H.L. Klapp, T. Martynec
    Long-range Order and Directional Defect Propagation in the Nonreciprocal XY Model with Vision Cone Interactions

    Physical Review Letters 130, 198301 (2023), Open access, APS

  • S. A.M. Loos, S. Arabha, A. Rajabpour, A. Hassanali, E. Roldan
    Nonreciprocal nanoparticle refrigerators: design principles and constraints

    Scientific Reports 13, 4517 (2023) Nature

  • V. Holubec, D. Geiss, S. A.M. Loos, K. Kroy, F. Cichos
    Finite-size scaling at the edge of disorder in a time-delay Vicsek model

    Physical Review Letters 127, 258001 (2021), APS

  • V. Holubec, A. Ryabov, S. A.M. Loos, K. Kroy
    Equilibrium Stochastic Delay Processes

    New Journal of Physics (2022) IOP

  • S. A.M. Loos, Simon Hermann, and S. H.L. Klapp
    Medium Entropy Reduction and Instability in Stochastic Systems with Distributed Delay

    Entropy 23, 696 (2021) MDPI

  • T. Doerries, S. A.M. Loos, and S. H.L. Klapp
    Correlation functions of non-Markovian systems out of equilibrium: Analytical expressions beyond single-exponential memory

    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021, 033202 (2021) IOP

  • S. A.M. Loos, and S. H.L. Klapp
    Irreversibility, heat and information flows induced by non-reciprocal interactions

    New Journal of Physics 22, 123051 (2020) IOP

  • T. Martynec, S. H.L. Klapp, and S. A.M. Loos
    Entropy production at criticality in a nonequilibrium Potts model

    New Journal of Physics 22, 093069 (2020) IOP

  • S. A.M. Loos and S. H.L. Klapp
    Fokker-Planck equations for time-delayed systems via Markovian Embedding

    Journal of Statistical Physics, 177, 95-118 (2019) Springer Nature

  • S. A.M. Loos and S. H.L. Klapp
    Heat flow due to time-delayed feedback
    Scientific Reports 9, 2491 (2019)
    , Nature

  • S. A.M. Loos and S. H.L. Klapp
    Force-linearization closure for non-Markovian Langevin systems with time delay
    Phys. Rev. E 96, 012106 (2017)APS

  • S. A.M. Loos, J. C. Claussen, E. Schöll, A. Zakharova
    Chimera patterns under the impact of noise
    Phys. Rev. E 93, 012209 (2016)APS

  • I. Schneider, M. Kapeller, S. Loos, A. Zakharova, B. Fiedler, and E. Schöll
    Stable and transient multi-cluster oscillation death in nonlocally coupled networks
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 052915 (2015), APS

  • S. A.M. Loos, R. Gernert, and S. H.L. Klapp
    Delay-induced transport in a rocking ratchet under feedback control
    Phys. Rev. E 89, 052136 (2014)APS

Book chapters

  • R. Gernert, S. A. M. Loos, K. Lichtner, and S. H. L. Klapp
    Feedback control of colloidal transport
    in Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, ed. by Schöll, Klapp, Hövel (Springer, 2016),  Springer Nature, arXiv:1511.00413v2

  • A. Zakharova, S. A. M. Loos, J. Siebert, A. Gjurchinovski, J. C. Claussen, and E. Schöll
    Controlling chimera patterns in networks: interplay of structure, noise, and delay in Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, ed. by Schöll, S. H. L. Klapp, P. Hövel (Springer, 2016),  Springer Nature

Conference preceedings

awards and grants

Early Career Award by the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry   |   2024 www.rsc.org/

Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA)   |   2022
24 months of funding to work at University of Cambridge, UK
Starting date Sept 2023

Postdoc Fellowship by German Research Foundation - DFG (Walter-Benjamin program)   |   2022
24 months of funding to work at University of Cambridge, UK
Starting date June 2022

Funding from Joachim-Herz Stiftung to organize a Workshop together with Dr Rico Berner (HU Berlin) and Dr Jakub Sawicki (PIK)
Workshop on ''Adaptivity in nonlinear dynamical systems'' at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Sept 2022

Dissertation prize - SKM Dissertation prize by the German Physical Society   |   2021

Dissertation prize - Springer Thesis Award   |   2020

Dissertation prize - Carl Ramsauer Preis der physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin   |   2020

Europhysics Letters - EPL poster prize   |   2019


 Physik-Studienpreis der Physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin   |   2016
 - gefördert durch die Siemens AG -

Scholarship of Studenstiftung des Deutschen Volkes during Master studies   |   2013-2015

Grants for study abroad by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes   |   2013-2014
6 month stay at Duke University, North Carolina, USA
in the group of Joshua Socolar


Oct - Dec 2024   |   Invited Research Stay at Kavli-Institute of Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, US, in the KITP program Active Solids: From Metamaterials to Biological Tissue

March 2024   |   Invited talk at the DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM) Berlin, GER

April, 2024   |   Invited talk at the ESI Workshop on Transport properties in Soft Matter Systems, Vienna, AUS

Oct 2023   |   Admitted as NSRF Research Fellow at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK

July 2024   |   CECAM Workshop on Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena in the Presence of Curvature and Non-Reciprocal Interactions (1505), at CECAM in Lausanne, Switzerland
Scientific Organizers: Demian Levis, Sarah AM Loos, Daniel Matoz Fernandez, Daniel Pearce, Rastko Sknepnek


DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
University of Cambridge
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom

Research Fellow (NSRF)
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1RH, United Kingdom


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